Saturday, January 9, 2010

Humble Beginnings

So Last Night on Earth (Flying Frog Productions) is a very awesome board game that I picked up last July. It's a blast. I haven't played Zombies!!! or any of the other undead-related board games out there, but I've been told by others who've played them all that LNoE is a little more interesting than the others.

My friends and I spent a few weeks over the summer playing the game as much as we could. My only real qualm was that the hero miniatures (there are 8 grey plastic individuals on the side of the living) were almost indistinguishable from any distance, which was annoying while playing the game. Since I had recently observed my first few 40k games, I guess I became "inspired" and decided to paint the heroes. My stepdad, Jason, had some Testors oil-based paints to paint model planes, so I first tried with some of his stuff.

FAIL. The oil-based paints seemed to react with the soft plastic of the minis and would not dry; they remained sticky. I tried to let them dry for a few days before I decided to take the paint off with paint thinner. So after a tiny bit of research, I decided to pick up this cheap acrylic Testors paint set. Please realize that I had no clue what I was doing!

So I painted the heroes, mixing any color I didn't have (including the flesh tones) and spending a long time fixing mistakes since they are so small (half the size of 40k minis) and I had never really done any painting at all before.

As you'll see, I painted in solid colors with no shading, no fine details picked out (eyes, etc). Oh, and by the way, GLOSS ALERT!

The Eight Heroes of Last Night on Earth

Sheriff Anderson, Small Town Law Man

Billy, The Sheriff's Son

Jake Cartwright, The Drifter

Jenny, The Farmer's Daughter

Johnny, High School Quarterback

Becky, The Nurse

Father Joseph, Man of the Cloth

Sally, High School Sweetheart

1 comment:

  1. any chance we may see a nude sally the sweetheart mini in the future?
